Already as a small child I was in many sweat lodges, which is part of the reason I have been feeling called to lead sweat lodges and have the magic of this ritual in my life again. Now I have finally found a place for it - how wonderful!

The sweat lodge ritual is a ceremony, of inner and outer cleansing, prayer & realignment. We sweat, we pray, we sing, we share and we become lighter. Ceremonies and rituals are sadly no longer very present in western culture and that is precisely why I am so moved and honored to create and share spaces of ritual and ceremony with you. The ceremonial sweat lodge has the power to alter something within you, to change you, to uplift you and to cleanse you deeply. The ritual lasts the whole afternoon and evening: we arrive together, open the ceremonial space, prepare for the ceremony, then the ritual starts and to wrap it all up we share a meal together around the fire.

This sweat lodge ritual is not a traditional ceremony according to any particular tradition. However, several elements of Lakota tradition are part of the ritual that I learned from my father, who in turn learned from Archie (Lakota medicine man). We honor the Lakota culture and give thanks for their wisdom and knowledge.

The sweat lodge takes place almost every month from October to April (see my events page). There is also the possibility to book the sweat lodge ritual privately, for example for big events in life (wedding, death, birth, birthday, etc.). In this case I will guide the ceremony with you and your group adapted to you circumstances. The costs vary depending on the size of the group between 650-800 CHF. If you are interested, please contact me via the contact form.

I look forward to experiencing this ceremony with you,



Sweat lodge impressions